On Wednesday 30th March 2011 Pakistan and India were up against each other in the semi-final of the cricket worldcup 2011 ODI tournament in Mohali,Chandrigarh, India in the state of Indian Punjab just across the border of Pakistan.Punjab of India is very different from the Punjab of Pakistan both historically and politically.The British during the raj considered the Punjab as "the sword arm" of India which is probably why the congress party of India which succeeded the British rule did not want it as it is....The Punjab was first cut at the partition of India in 1947 and later in 1966 the indian punjab was further sub-partitioned into three states Punjab ,haryana and himachal pardesh.In june 1984 the then Indian prime minister indra gandhi of congress party ordered the Indian Army to conduct "operation Blue Star" at the most sacred religious place on earth for sikhs "the Golden Temple " in Amritsar.Since then the people of the Indian state of Punjab has firmly believed in Democracy and have tried their best not to get involved in the diplomacy.But what can one do when you have family,friends and well-wishers all over the world.The international media continuously tries to distinguish and differentiate between the poor people with rich culture of indian state of Punjab and the rest of the democracy.Recently I have observed that the hindi soaps and movies shown by satellite channels use ethnic terms such as "behan jee type","miss Hoshiyarpur" to create an image of a totally rural village punjabi girl very different in fashion and not willing to follow the modern trends....yet eager to the limits of desperation to prove herself to the world.
So When against all odds and predictions of the pundits a clash between Pakistan and India was fixed...Delhi and congress Party had to move in quickly.They in their wildest dreams could not let the local administration and state government uproot the democratic process.Inviting Pakistan's PrimeMinister gave congress party full authority in an autonomous state of Punjab creating an all Indian atmosphere in the cricket stadium and in Punjab's capital Chandrigarh.
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