Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CIA's Foxhunt brings home a dead Osama...

So the news is that Osama bin laden the number one fugitive on the FBI most wanted list is dead....killed by the US Navy working for the CIA at Abbotabad Pakistan with special permission from the President Obama and constantly monitored by the top administration and pentagon officials from the situation room.
There is a lot of confusion, mist and haze surrounding the actual events that may or may not have occurred last night in Abbotabad but my inquisitive mind is only focused on the event that may have been the real cause behind the success of this mission.Yes the Kandahar prison break and the escape of hundreds of Taliban prisoners.Someone amongst them must have tried or contacted  oblivious of the fact that he may be monitored or tracked by CIA .
Anyways,who cares what was their modus operandi as long as they "GOT"  the real thing for sure.

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