Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dreadfully shameful for the British Pakistan royal military academy and embarrasing for Pakistan.

The US navy/CIA covert operation Geronimo  that killed Osama Bin Laden has caused unbelievable embarrassment  for Pakistan and its military intelligence.  
The people of Pakistan are questioning what was the Pakistan army doing when the US forces was doing this operation so close to the Kakul Academy....the pride of Pakistan Army. Why they knew nothing about the operation in their territory and the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden hiding so close to their restricted area. While the US is rejoicing and celebrating...the success of operation Geronimo. Pakistani intelligence is caught pants down and cheating.It is a matter of the greatest shame to have cheated on the best and most sincerest of friend and ally if pakistani intelligence knew of Osama Bin laden's hide out  as hinted by the US officials  and media repeatedly over the years.It makes no difference at all if they found out just hours before or knew it all along.

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